Tuesday, July 21, 2009

History of The Madden Tourney: Part 1

The 1st Annual Madden Tournament

2004 marked the year of many spectacular events in our world. In 2004 NASA landed their MER-B project on Mars, Lance Armstrong won his record 6th straight Tour De France, Scientists in South Korea cloned 30 human embryos, Boston pulled off the biggest sports upset in history and won their first World Series since 1918, the largest Earthquake since 1964 struck Indonesia setting off terrorizing tsunamis, and who could forget the very first of many Madden Tournaments kicking off in a hot New Jersey summer.

Who could really forget the very first one? Well probably almost everyone; I even had a very hard time remembering how it went down. But of course I fished up a few old notebooks from around the house and found the results from the ancient tourney. The first tournament of all tournaments started with only 8 players and no money involved at all. I guess you could say it was very simple, yet very much as competitive as anything else of the sort. The 8 entrants saw the likes of Billy, Jimmy, Dave, Kevin, Josh, Phil, Mike Moron, and Joey Catena taking the couch for the quickest Madden Tournament to date. It was done in less than a day as the finals saw the heated Ravens-Redskins rivalry taken to a whole nother level. The winner's bracket final saw Billy v.s. Jimmy; as Billy took on and beat Joey Catena and Dave, as Jimmy faced and also defeated Kevin and then Phil. Jimmy defeated Billy in the winner's final, which lead to the start of a brother v.s. brother rivalry that still lives to this day, one that will more than likely never die. In the loser's bracket after reeling from a first round loss to Phil, Kevin won out to get to Billy in the loser's bracket final. Yet Billy would pull away and go on to attempt to take down the Jimmaster powerhouse.

Billy, playing with the defensively prided Ravens would come out of the losers bracket to give the Redskinned Jimmy a scare in the final two games. Billy and the Ravens beat Jimmy in the first game, leading to a one game finale for all the Madden Marbles. Jimmy would come out of the battle victorious in his own house. Yet other memories still exist with possibly the same magnitude of Jimmy tourney victory. Who could forget the infamous boxing matches in Jimmy's basement between Mike Moron and Kevin? The first Madden tournament could most certainly be considered a huge success considering what it has lead to today. A tree doesn't just grow in one day everything takes time. And I guess the Madden 2005 Tourney was just the planting of the seeds for what the Madden Tourney has become and the heights it will grow to one day.

-Madden History Part Two will be up soon
-P.S. The Madden Demo comes out today (7/22/09) at 9PM
-Anyone who hasn’t paid yet, I need your money ASAP to reserve your spot

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