The Official Madden 10'
Tourney PreviewBy: Willie Stroker
Willie Stroker: Yahoo ColumnistPeople are roaming the streets, driving in circles, and hibernating for days on end all over the Lyndhurst, NJ area. Why is this happening you ask? I have the answer; it's because with only two days left before the first whistle in the 6th installment of the Madden Tournament, people don't have any more patience to wait. Two days can seem like an eternity when you are waiting for one sole event of the ages. It is on the fingertips of time waiting to fall into place and finally happen after all of the hype, practice, all nighters of straight Madden NFL Football, online games, trash talk, facebook messages, blog articles, controversies, complaints, and excitement; it all comes to an exhilarating climax on Sunday the 23rd.
Before I get into this whole preview mumbo-jumbo I would like to further elaborate on my previous write up on the "Kansas City Controversy". When I last reported on this situation there was no clear cut solution set for the problem. Yet only a few days later on a follow up I was doing I have found that there is no longer any problems with the young Jack Moran using the Chiefs. Anthony Dellavale has chosen to take the long way home (as us Southerners like to say it) and reprieve Jack of any type of retaliation for the time being of the Madden Tournament. There will still be much tension between the two throughout the tournament, especially if they meet one on one, mono-E-mono, there may be no stopping Ant on his path of revenge.

That brings me to my first topic of discussion in this introduction to the Madden Tournament. There has been some recent rumblings in Lyndhurst of an "Unstoppable Play". I had little information and knowledge of this play of sorts, so I decided to do some in-depth reporting on the matter. I took a day trip to the little New Jersey suburb to seek out an old friend from previous matters. I stopped by a quiet one way street, Thomas Avenue on the North end of town and sought out a certain Dave Raszick.
So Dave, tell me, have you heard of this "Unstoppable Play" yet?
"Nah, not at all. Is it that stupid direct snap again?"
I don't really have a clue Dave, that is why I came to ask you, I figured you might have some inside info on the matter.
"Oh well it is probably some type of glitch of some sort."
Okay Mr. Razzik, thank you for your time once again.
So I didn't get much information regarding this play. Yet since then the glitch rule (#36) has been adopted by the Madden Tourney President Brian Rehbein. It was very hard to find any info on the play, which leads me to believe that it is being groomed and saved specifically for Sunday's start of the tournament. Although I did hear from a few other Lyndhurst residents that it is spread across a few separate teams. Rumored users of the play are Danny Kesack, Anthony Pacillo, and Mike Catena. I guess everyone will just have to wait and see what occurs come Sunday!

The first Madden Tournament in history started with eight participants and grew from there. From eight to double digits, double digits to 24, to 29, and eventually to a full 32. Yet with its growth has come a bit of imbalance in the blood relation ratio of the tourney. For years there was the Rehbein brothers, the Catena brothers, and even a rumored love triangle including Josh Seo and two other men in the tourney a few years back, but never a cousin relationship. That was until this past year at the Madden 09' Tournament where Porta recruited multiple cousins, TJ and "Bad News" Tony. This year they may have lost one cousin, yet Porta would not go without adding many more.
The Madden 10' Tourney this Sunday will feature 3 more Porta-TJ cousins, upping there ante of Porta relations in some way to a total of 5 participants, over 15% of the tournament. Is it just a few friendly kids wanting to play some good ole' Madden football, or is there more to it than that? Could there be a possible takeover in the works considering the numbers grow higher and higher every time you turn your back? I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out by the end of the Madden 10' Tournament.

In the beginnings of the Madden Tournament there was this invincible entity in Jimmy Gangi household. That my friends is none other than the "Candy Cane" itself. For 3 years it reeked havoc on anyone playing Jimmy in his house. The candy cane had powers unknown to any mere human being and would pick a bone with you if messed with. There was a curse of sorts that went with the candy cane if you messed with it. For example in the Madden 07' Tourney, Billy took the candy cane from its magnetic home atop Jimmy's basement ceiling and hid it. He then went on to be upset by Joey Catena and then eliminated on the Miracle Manning play.
After two years of candy cane absence, as well as championship absence, Jimmy has found the infamous entity and will utilize it this upcoming Madden 10' Tournament. Will this play a huge role in Jimmy's possible success this year? Will anyone reek havoc in Jimmy's house by taking it? Will anyone be cursed by the powers of the candy cane? All questions that shall be answered in a few days.

Three years ago Billy was defeated by Joey Catena in the worst game of his Madden career, and then screwed over in the Miracle Manning game. From that point on Billy would only lose two games in the past two tourneys, dominate both years' winners brackets, and go on to win two championships back to back. The repeat of Madden Titles made it 3 Tourney wins for billy in only 4 years.
Now with the lights on bright and all eyes watching will Billy be able to pull another one out of the hat and make it a 3-peat? It will be a tough road with 30 others rooting solely against him, yet when it comes down to it all there is is two players, two controllers, one game. All eyes will be on the path Billy takes in this years bracket for sure, but will this affect other players efforts in the tournament? We will soon find out!

This year's event will see many new faces staring at a bunch of TVs. As always, with the entrance of new faces comes the exit of some old faces. Some of these people include four time entrant Dooky and three year player Gabe Ruggerio. Yet the most notable exit from the Madden Tournament this year is Kevin Rehbein. Kevin, who has been in every Madden Tourney to date will exit for the year due to vacation. Kevin had been in 5 tourneys and finished in the top ten each of the 5 times including three 4th place finishes (his highest ranking). How will these departures affect this years Madden Tournament? Will Kevin still somehow find a way to blame Billy for his misfortune? Will Gabe's mom even allow him to ask someone the results of the Madden Tourney? Will any of these questions be answered?
Come Sunday we will find out.

Following Billy's defeats in the Madden 2007 Tournament and his short comings in a few Smackdown Tournaments, he sought out assistance, assistance of another breed that is. Enter Anthony Dellavale, the Robin to Billy's Batman. Immediately as it started the ALLIANCE was formed. The ALLIANCE since then has tried to add a member here and there to make it a power trio. Some temporary members included the Batgirl to Billy's Batman; Josh, as well as Dooky, and a turncoat appearance by Dave. Yet the ALLIANCE would always remain a duo of superpowers that could never be stopped, or at least that is what its members and many others believed.
Madden Tournament 2008, enter "the Kid". The Kid, fed up with the ALLIANCE set out on a journey to recruit members for his very own group. He would call this group the NWO, which stood for New World Order. "It's a New World Order in the world of Madden!", the Kid, aka Dave Dicrisi proclaimed at Jimmy's house last year. Since that moment these two groups have been at each others' throats for supremacy in the world of Madden. The ALLIANCE got the better of the NWO this past year, but who will come out on top? That's a question in it of itself only to be answered this weekend at the Madden Tournament!

One of the highlights of the Madden 09' Tournament was the temporary perfection of the Pacillo Strategy utilized obviously by Anthony Pacillo. Well with a new tourney comes a new strategy for Pacillo, now known as the "Man with the Plan". As Pacillo as played a few other Madden Tourney participants a few rumors have broken about the new strategy. Rumors that may very well be true, or they could just be one big hoax. Either way, Pacillo has been rumored to solely use the Pittsburgh Wildcat Offense over and over again until he makes the defense sick to their stomachs. Is this new strategy a true story, or is it just a distraction in a ploy bigger than anyone realizes with rewards more lucrative than anyone can imagine? Does the new "Pacillo Strategy" even work? You will have to see for yourself that is, come the 23rd of August.

I touched on the topic of many new faces in this years tourney earlier, and I will now elaborate on the matter. In the history of Madden there has been only two champions. One of them would be Jimmy Gangi, a two time champion. The other is three time winner and reigning and defending Madden Champion Billy Rehbein. So with the 6th tournament approaching, will there be a new winner? Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here. In the 5 years of Madden Tournament play, there has never been a year where neither Billy or Jimmy were in the championship finale. With that these two have faced off twice in the finals, leaving only 3 others to ever garner even 2nd place in the tourney and that has been in the past 3 years. In the 2007 tournament Phil went down to Jimmy, in 08' Mark Naseef fell to the wrath of the ALLIANCE and so did Pacillo in 09'.
This leaves many questions unanswered leading into the 6th annual Madden Tournament. Will there be some new blood in the finals this year? Many participants have come oh so close, only to be denied by Jimmy and Billy. Players entering the tournament for the first time include Frank Spanola: a former LHS Madden Champion. Phil Spanola: brother of Frank who dearly wishes to follow in Frank's Madden footsteps. Travis: a hidden gem in the world of Madden, not to be underestimated in this tournament. Jack Moran: who entered with a bang digging up tons of controversy. Chris Demarco: a man of indecision on entry into the tourney. Jeremy Shafer: eager to get into the action, yet injury prone (Fragile Thumbs). Gary Job: not using the cowboys, his favorite team, could very well hurt his chances. Steve Gumble: the oldest player in Madden History to date, will be looking to hip toss an 8th grader or two. Finally, The "Porta Cousin Crew" (Dylan, Bestar, Eric): if this tandem sticks together they could very well leave their mark on this madden tourney.
So like the poll on your right hand side of the page asks, will it be Billy/Jimmy winning yet again, or will the field take this one? There is only one way to decide that and that is on the couch!

Come Sunday we see a few intriguing first round matchups. Billy v.s. Jack Moran entices many to watch. Will Billy start off strong or will the controversial Jack Moran look to make his point of controversy and upset Billy? Steve Gumble v.s. Mike Catena (Which is most likely going to happen Monday) is also a barn burner. Mike Catena garnered madden attention by winning 1st pick in the draft lottery and choosing the Patriots, Billy's winning team the past two years. Steve, using a very talented Oakland Raiders has a chance to stop Catena in his tracks right off the bat, but will he? Travis v.s. Mike Moron is another enticing one to watch out for. Travis is a sleeper in this year's tournament and Moron will be looking to earn respect from his fellow Madden goers, they both have something to prove, but who will actually go out and do it? The closest and most exciting first round game will more than likely be between PJ and Frank Spanola. Frank a former LHS Madden Champion will take on PJ's Colts in a very even matchup. Finally a game to also keep an eye open for is Dave v.s. Ant. Dave may get too cocky in this one. Let's not forget Ant has all the help in the world from his fellow Alliance member and 3 time champion Billy. Let's also not forget this game is being played on ALLIANCE grounds at Billy's house. Anything can happen and if I had to pick a sleeper in the first round Ant is the one to take.
Willie's PicksChampion:
PJ MillerRunner Up:
Billy RehbeinTourney Sleeper:
TravisMost Improved (From 09'):
Dave RacszykFirst Eliminated:
Jack MoranBiggest Bust:
Danny KesackMVP Player:
Peyton ManningLike I said before, were just 48 hours and counting away from the start of the 6th Annual Madden Tournament. It is poised to be the best one yet and I don't think it will disappoint. August the 23rd, of the year 2009 is sure to be a date to remember.
I AM THE #1 WILLIE STROKER!Willie Stoker is Yahoo! Sports' national columnist. Send Willie an email at