By: Willie Stroker

For years there has been the sport we know as American Football. For 30 or more years there has been the world of video games. When you put those two together you get the Madden NFL Football franchise. The Madden franchise has also spurred many competitive tournaments throughout the nation, with one of the most interesting tournaments taking place in northern New Jersey.
In a tiny New York City suburb; Lyndhurst, New Jersey hosts a Madden Tournament of sorts annually. I have contacted Brian Rehbein about details on this tournament and he has filled me in completely.

Anthony Dellavale of Lyndhurst, NJ has been a Kansas City Chiefs fan for all of his 18 or so years of life. He has been right there through the glory days of Trent Green, Tony Gonzalez, and record breaking Priest Holmes; straight through the hard times of the Missouri football franchise, Anthony has been there supporting his team through and through. So when I was informed that this year Anthony would not be using the Chiefs in the sixth year of his participation in this madden tournament i was shocked and appalled.
"I was in complete and utter shock, I mean only a crazy person would pick the Chiefs at this point." said Anthony Dellavale when he was asked his first reaction to Jack Moran using the Chiefs in this year's madden tournament. I then questioned if that made him crazy and he responded
"No sir, I am just a supporter of the underdog." But Anthony, considering you were the Chiefs for many, many years in this tournament; was it easy making the transition from your favorites in the Chiefs to the Tennessee Titans?
"Of course not Willie, no Donte Hall, no Trent Green, Larry Johnson not being the same player, it just wasn't the same."
I was really confused by what Anthony had to say so I needed to seek a second opinion on the matter. I contacted another fellow madden tournament participant, ironically also from Lyndhurst, NJ; Dave Razzick. What are your feelings that someone else other than Anthony is using the Chiefs this year?
"I say its an outrage and the Chiefs aren't getting the ownership they deserve. The Chiefs themselves should be boycotting the tournament." That is a bold statement Mr. Razzik, considering that is very unlikely to happen, what are your expectations for Jack Moran and Anthony Dellavale in this tournament?
"The kid Moran will have no success because the curse of the Dellavale will fall upon him. Ant on the other hand will have some extra motivation to play for this year." When I heard this I was even more confused, because when I asked Mr. Dellavale the same question he responded,
"Maybe its time to pass the torch. Let's see what the kid's got." It seemed to me as the spectators and third party players were more outraged with whole incident more so than Anthony himself. Yet continuing with Dave Rassicck, I then asked him if Jack Moran knew what he was getting himself into by picking the Chiefs?
"Not at all Stroke, he shouldn't be surprised if Ant trashes his house as a warning sign. Jack needs to expect a retaliation by Ant. I see a new, heated rivalry in the making here. Is that all, I got to go help my dad with stuff." What stuff David? "Stuff, don't worry about it..." Oh alright just one more thing; Do you have any other comments on this whole situation?
"I say that Ant and Moran have an exhibition match before the tourney. They would each use the Chiefs for ownership of the team, pure braggin' rights at stake here."
When I asked Anthony about the possibility of playing an exhibition match against the newcomer Moran, or even for real in the tournament, he proclaimed,
"It would be an honor to face the Chiefs, but lets face it only one person can pull off the Chiefs in style and can use them perfectly to their exact purpose and that is the one and only Anthony Dellavale! Oh and also the Alliance will live strong." Alliance? What is this you speak of Anthony?
"The Alliance can never be defeated nor destroyed. It can only be transformed into Chuck Norris and Steven Segal, two kick ass dudes." Oh I see, so you are the counterpart to this NWO i hear of around these parts of Jersey?
"Who? The Alliance lived strong, lives strong, and will always live strong." Ok, that is it for now Mr. Dellavale, thank you.
"Anytime Willie."
So after hearing all the details, stories, opinions, and controversies, I have finally come up with my own opinion. Mr Dellavale is so construed on being loyal to the Kansas City Chiefs that he would rather not ruin the run he had with them. He is still a Chiefs fan for life, but all books have to include a final chapter. I guess Anthony wanted to close this book before it got out of hand, before a touching tale turned into a terrible tragedy. What I'm getting at here in plain and simple terms is that Anthony is a winner through and through and did not want to shame his beloved team by losing with them in this year's Madden Tournament.
Willie Stoker is Yahoo! Sports' national columnist. Send Willie an email at Willie1Stroker@yahoo.com
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